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 Together we can equip and empower 500 Emerging African Leaders.

Through them you will help end generational poverty for over 50,000 people.

When you invest $25 each month (or $300), you help passionate moms, dads, chiefs, and pastors in Africa embrace a Christ-centered journey that equips them with a holistic approach that lifts families and villages out of poverty for good.
Above and Beyond: I Want to Equip Emerging Leaders
“So many people are coming to me for help now that even pastors, chiefs, and government people are wanting to be able to inspire people to change like how I am inspiring them to change.”
- Yvonne, reformed brewer

Above and Beyond is a transformative initiative dedicated to training emerging leaders who want to embrace an alternative approach to the status quo. This is in response to a dramatic increase in requests for ELI training and impact!

The emerging leaders we will target desire to catalyze positive change within their families and communities in East Africa by being examples of change for others to follow. This is all about increasing people’s social influence through solid and Bible-based leadership skills that build on their strengthened agricultural and business abilities.

From village corners to high-level government offices, hundreds of transformed families and leaders are calling this “The ELI Way” and they are testifying that it is completely life-changing. This is exactly what God promised He would do through us: “Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to His power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20, CSB).

Real change creates real momentum.

The empowerment of brewers, pastors, alcoholics, and chiefs to let go of their old ways and build stronger communities together, with Christ, is flipping the script:

    • A notorious brewer closes her bar permanently, catching the community's attention.

    • A pastor, once condemning brewers, opens his doors to alcoholics at 3 am on Sunday, providing them with support and rest, leaving the congregation awestruck.

    • A chief known for arresting brewers dedicates two weeks to door-to-door conversationscarrying a Bible instead of handcuffs, shocking families and children.

    • An alcoholic, after rehab, is embraced by a church and showcases new farming and business skills to the congregation, igniting a glimmer of hope that those struggling with addiction can change for good.

Participate in our Fall events: Join us on this journey of empowerment and transformation.

    • Attend virtual monthly Livestreams 

    • Participate in one of our regional Empowerment Nights

Testimonies of Change made possible because of World Changers like you:
Together we can equip and empower 500 Emerging African Leaders.

Through them you will help end generational poverty for over 50,000 people.

When you invest $25 each month (or $300), you help passionate moms, dads, chiefs, and pastors in Africa embrace a Christ-centered journey that equips them with a holistic approach that lifts families and villages out of poverty for good.
Above and Beyond: I Want to Equip Emerging Leaders
“So many people are coming to me for help now that even pastors, chiefs, and government people are wanting to be able to inspire people to change like how I am inspiring them to change.”
- Yvonne, reformed brewer

Above and Beyond is a transformative initiative dedicated to training emerging leaders who want to embrace an alternative approach to the status quo. This is in response to a dramatic increase in requests for ELI training and impact!

The emerging leaders we will target desire to catalyze positive change within their families and communities in East Africa by being examples of change for others to follow. This is all about increasing people’s social influence through solid and Bible-based leadership skills that build on their strengthened agricultural and business abilities.

From village corners to high-level government offices, hundreds of transformed families and leaders are calling this “The ELI Way” and they are testifying that it is completely life-changing. This is exactly what God promised He would do through us: “Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to His power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20, CSB).

Real change creates real momentum.

The empowerment of brewers, pastors, alcoholics, and chiefs to let go of their old ways and build stronger communities together, with Christ, is flipping the script:

    • A notorious brewer closes her bar permanently, catching the community's attention.

    • A pastor, once condemning brewers, opens his doors to alcoholics at 3 am on Sunday, providing them with support and rest, leaving the congregation awestruck.

    • A chief known for arresting brewers dedicates two weeks to door-to-door conversationscarrying a Bible instead of handcuffs, shocking families and children.

    • An alcoholic, after rehab, is embraced by a church and showcases new farming and business skills to the congregation, igniting a glimmer of hope that those struggling with addiction can change for good.

Participate in our Fall events: Join us on this journey of empowerment and transformation.

    • Attend virtual monthly Livestreams 

    • Participate in one of our regional Empowerment Nights

Testimonies of Change made possible because of World Changers like you:
Above and Beyond: I Want to Equip Emerging Leaders
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