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Carry the Weight

Please note that your custom URL alias needs dashes between each word. For example: help-me-help-mommies

Also, be sure to use a good photo of yourself so friends know it's your campaign, and provide a description of why this campaign is important to you. Here is a sample description you can copy and paste into your campaign description:

On (insert date), I am (insert how you are going to carry weight) in solidarity with suffering moms and families in Africa . . . and I am asking you to partner with me to empower them with new life-giving skills to change the course of their lives forever.

My goal is to raise enough money to provide empowerment and hope to (insert a number) moms and their families!

Every $100 empowers a family by providing them with life-skills training that incorporates business and the Gospel. Thousands of women have already gone through the training!

Plus a matching gift doubles the number of lives we can change!

My heart broke when I learned that literally thousands of moms in Africa brew, carry, and sell 30 to 40 pounds of deadly moonshine every day just to feed their kids. But I got really excited when I learned that hundreds of these ladies are ready RIGHT NOW to change from the inside and out. They are eager to experience God’s love and learn alternative skills!

Imagine that instead of brewing moonshine, these moms will be baking bread, farming vegetables, raising chickens, and making soap, donuts, french fries, and so much more. Suddenly, they are able to feed their families, send their children to school, pay off debts, buy land, and expand their projects. This transformation has already happened for almost 2,000 families who have been empowered.

Because of us, through the love of God and together with a wonderful 501(c)3 non-profit organization called Empowering Lives International, these moms will gain back their dignity and become living testimonies.

Every dollar helps bring change to suffering families and will be matched. Please join me on this journey!

How many families will we help to crush poverty? 

Let’s do this! #LetsCarryTheirWeight

We pray that carrying the weight will also be a rich encounter for you and Jesus. Enjoy this downloadable PDF to create a posture of reflection and prayer as you carry the weight and help those trapped in poverty.

Comments or questions? The ELI team is here for you! We would love to help! Email us at or call us at 909-931-1311 x 8.


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