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Join ELI leaders, Don Rogers & Jim Caya together with special Kenyan guests on September 5th, at 7:30 PM (Pacific Time) for an inspiring livestream where the narrative throughout rural Kenya is being rewritten. 
Marginalized families and village leaders are finding new hope to address poverty and other community challenges. You’ll hear inspiring testimonies of real change as notorious brewers close their bars, pastors embrace alcoholics with compassion, chiefs prioritize evangelism over arrests, and rehabilitated alcoholics showcase newfound skills. Join us to hear remarkable stories that are going above and beyond what we have imagined. Experience the joy partnership and brings as this movement is being multiplied by your prayers and support.
What: 45-minute livestream

When: September 5th at 7:30pm Pacific Time

How: Click this link (active at 7:25pm on 9/5)

You won’t want to miss this.
God is moving in Africa through your prayers and support in powerful ways. 


We are kicking off a ministry season called “Above and Beyond” with a livestream on Tuesday, July 11th at 7:30 PM (Pacific Time). Rally with us to see hundreds of leaders equipped and trained to lead their communities into freedom! You don’t want to miss this!!!
What: 45-minute livestream

When: July 11th at 7:30pm Pacific Time

How: Click this link (active at 7:25pm on 7/11)

You won’t want to miss this.
God is moving in Africa through your prayers and support in powerful ways. 

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